SGU Announces Return To In-Person Learning On True Blue Campus For August Term

Press Release

On Thursday April 15th, St. George’s University (SGU) announced that all students in the Schools of Medicine,  Veterinary Medicine, Arts and Sciences, and Graduate Studies will be welcomed back to in person learning on campus in Grenada for the August 2021 term.

The leadership of SGU considered all aspects of a safe return, placing the health and safety of  students, faculty and staff on campus, and that of the Grenada community as a priority. As part  of our plan for a safe return to campus life, COVID-19 vaccinations will be required for all  students, faculty, staff, and administrators, vendors and visitors on campus. Many universities  around the world are requiring COVID-19 vaccination as part of their return strategies for the  Fall term.

While it is an expectation that all students will eventually return to campus, the University also  recognizes that the situation regarding the pandemic, travel, and vaccination delivery is evolving.  Although our goal is to return all students to in-person learning as quickly as possible, we will be  reasonable in our consideration of exceptions to in-person education and use of online education  for the August 2021 term. An option to continue online learning will be made available for students  who have a lack of access to vaccinations in their country, challenges with travel visas, passports,  and flights from some countries and other situations that may require students to remain online  for the August term.

“SGU will continue to collaborate with the Government of Grenada to support its public health  response to combat the spread of the virus. This collaboration has helped to inform our  decisions throughout the pandemic. We are working closely with the airlines who will be adding  significant capacity throughout the summer in response to booking demand,” said Dr. Charles  Modica, Chancellor of St. Georges University. “The University has implemented public health  procedures to ensure Grenada’s Public Health (COVID-19) Regulations and Quarantine Act are  followed and to ensure the health of our students, faculty and staff and the wider Grenadian  community. We are very excited about a safe return to a vibrant campus”.

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