The Foreign Mission Board, National Baptist Convention, USA INC Makes Donation Of Generators To Health Sector In Grenada And St. Vincent & The Grenadines

ST GEORGE’S, GRENADA – Executive Director of the Foreign Mission Board, Reverend Terrence D. Griffith is in Grenada to make a presentation of 10 generators to the Ministry of Health and Social Security to be used in health clinics across the tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. The generators were procured by Rev. Dr. Randy Vaughn of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Port Arthur, Texas and given to the Foreign Mission Board to be donated where needed. Grenada’s Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Yolande Smith made the request for the donation to Rev. Griffith.

Ambassador Smith said: “The Embassy of Grenada in Washington D.C., continues to advocate on behalf of the people of Grenada, and we are grateful to Pastor Griffith and the Foreign Mission Board, and PastorVaughn and Mt. Sinai Baptist Church for considering Grenada and making this timely donation.” She thanked the donors for their “compassion in action, knowing that the generators could quickly be pressed into service with the prediction and evidence of an active 2021 Hurricane season”.

The Foreign Mission Board was established in 1880 and is the Global Mission humanitarian arm of the 7.5-million-member National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. The largest Black religious body in the world, the Board operates in the following countries:

  • Malawi—A hospital, technical college, elementary schools, farming projects and churches.
  • Eswatini—A Clinic, the number one Primary School in the Kingdom, Preschool, and churches.
  • Lesotho—Boarding School, Churches and a partnership with the University of Pennsylvania and the Ministry of Health to overhaul the health system in the Kingdom.
  • Nicaragua—Schools and Churches.
  • Liberia—Two mission stations with boarding schools (Suehn and Bindu) were destroyed in the civil war but are currently being rebuilt.
  • Sierra Leone—Girls High Schools with 700 students, churches, farming projects
  • Guinea—Health Clinics, churches, and ESL classes

The Board also works with and support member church organizations that are involved in humanitarian work across the globe. Executive Director Griffith said: “We have been engaged in missional work for over 140 years and are committed to lifting the lives of the underserved and working to ameliorating some of the endemic problems that they face each day. It is our delight to extend our reach to Grenada and other places in the Caribbean that need and appreciate the support of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.”

On hand to accept the donation were Dr. Carol McIntosh Director of Hospital Services and Director of the Grenada Donation Table,Ms. Sherry-Ann Baghwan representing the Director of Nursing at the general hospital, and Mr. Keville Fredrick Risk Communication Officer in the Ministry of Health and Host of The Next Chapter on GIS TV.

In accepting the generators and expressing thanks, Dr. McIntosh said: “The generators are essential for us to be able to guarantee ongoing healthcare in the community during times of disaster and loss of electricity”.  She further stated that this donation is in line with the goals of the Ministry of Health and Social Security to “significantly improve the health status all Grenadians through a strengthened and sustainable health care delivery system”.

Contact: Terrence D. Griffith, Executive Director Foreign Mission Board, National Baptist Convention USA, Inc—267-586-6250


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