Ministry Of Agriculture Offers Vet And Livestock Assistance To St. John Farm Watch Oorganisation

ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA– Rabies vaccination, treatment of parasites, deworming, and castration were just some of the services rendered to some farmers of the St. John Farm Watch Organisation by the Ministry of Agriculture’s Veterinary and Livestock Department.
Responding to a request from the organisation, the Ministry offered a two-day livestock outreach, facilitated by Animal Health Assistant, Yolande Lord-Telesford, Livestock Officer, Nugent Bernard, and three extension officers.
A total of 14 farmers benefitted from the initiative, which was held on August 18 and 19, in the communities of Grand Roy, Mt. Plasir, Power Park, Black Bay, Cotton Bailey, and Concord. Their livestock – goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, etc. – were thoroughly examined by the five-member team.
“There were problems with overgrown hooves in the small ruminants, external and internal parasites and worms. We also taught farmers how to apply external treatments for tick, lice, mange so that it’s effective and also the proper way of deworming livestock, and how to determine the age of their livestock,” said Animal Health Assistant, Yolande Lord-Telesford.
One of the more significant issues noticed while administering aid to the farmers was housing for the animals. Livestock Officer, Nugent Bernard, said this is needed if farmers are to take a business approach to the rearing of their livestock.
He said, “I want to appeal to policymakers, lending institutions that we have to come up with a formula that would enable young farmers to have start-up capital for housing – it is a number one priority – and we need to get to a point where there should be an easily accessible loan – soft terms and conditions – that can give livestock farmers the best start if we want to improve livestock production.”
The St. John Farm Watch Organisation, formed only three weeks ago, works along with officers of the Praedial Larceny Task Force in St. John. It was through the efforts of some of the officers, that the outreach was made possible.
“This venture was all about the farm watch initiative. The organisation was formed recently and based on the complaints that we receive from farmers, we decided to seek the assistance of the Vet and Livestock Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in rendering livestock services to some of the farmers– a fitting start to the organisation,” remarked, Praedial Larceny Officer, Anthony St. Paul.
Going forward, the team of livestock officers pledged to adopt the group, and offer knowledge to the farmers, to improve on their stock, and their housing.
Ministry of Agriculture…ensuring food and nutrition security for all
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