SAEP Commencement Of Distrubution Of The MOA SAEP Covid 19 Backyard Gardening Initiative

On Wednesday September 15th 2021, the Climate Smart Agriculture and Rural Enterprise Programme (SAEP) commenced its collaborative initiative towards the distribution of seedlings, tools and nutritional booklets to vulnerable families in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

The initiative commenced in the parish of St. Andrew with over 60 families receiving inputs and seedlings. The families were selected based on family size (no. of children, presence of senior citizens), presence of unemployed family members within the home and a focus on providing assistance to single headed household.

The packages included seedlings: Tomatoes, Seasoning Pepper, Lettuce, Cabbage, Pak Choi, Kale, Chives, Thyme and Celery, Watering Cans, Hand fork, Trowel, Herbs and Recipe Booklets completed by the Grenada Food and Nutrition Council. This Initiative was officially launched by SAEP and the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands in September of 2020 at the Cadrona Home in La Fillette, St. Andrew.

In the coming weeks visits will be made to homes throughout the parish including the sister isleto distribute the backyard garden packages ensuring all COVID 19 protocols are strictly adhered to by the Extension Assistants of SAEP with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs officials.

SAEP is committed towards providing over 350 vulnerable families with the knowledge, skillset and required inputs to promote nutrition rich Climate Smart foods especially within this pandemic environment through our collaboration with our implementing partners Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs.

For further information, please call 435-6802/3/442-0105, or email


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