Prime Minister Receives Covid-19 Booster Shot

Prime Minister, Dr the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell continues to champion the need for vaccination as a critical tool in the fight against Covid-19.

Continuing to lead by example, the fully-vaccinated Prime Minister received a booster shot on Monday.

As is the case for other Covid-19 vaccines, it was recently recommended that persons who received 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, should receive booster shots after their second dose. It is further recommended that the booster shot can be an mRNA vaccine such as Pfizer.

Having consulted with the Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Shawn Charles, the Prime Minister who received his first and second doses of AstraZeneca earlier this year, welcomed the Pfizer booster shot.

Dr Mitchell said, “Vaccination continues to be the best tool we have available in the fight against Covid-19. I am guided by the science; therefore I believe receiving the booster shot will further build my immunity. The science is clear, the vaccine prevents severe disease, hospitalisation and even death. Therefore, I continue to encourage Grenadians to opt for the best shot and get vaccinated. It will protect you and your loved ones, it will help safeguard livelihoods as we find the balance in living with Covid-19 and ultimately, it will protect your country, as its development process will not be negatively impacted by lockdown which is likely to occur if there is a spike in cases.”


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