Grenada Reiterates Unwavering Commitment To Democracy As World Leaders Participate In Summit For Democracy Hosted By U.S.President

Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, has  reiterated Grenada’s unwavering commitment to democracy, as he joined world leaders  for a Summit for Democracy, hosted by US President, Joe Biden.

The two-day summit which started on Wednesday is intended to “set forth an affirmative  agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies  today through collective action.”

In his intervention at the summit, Dr. Mitchell acknowledged Grenada’s solid record of  peaceful transition of power through the democratic process since 1984.

He also noted that no democracy is safe unless all democracies are protected.

The Prime Minister said, “Grenada acknowledges the interdependent nature of our world  and the fundamental importance of maintaining hemispheric stability and ensuring that  our Caribbean region remains a zone of peace and bastion for democracy. There are  many challenges to keeping democracy sacred, but Grenada is uncompromising in its  defence of democratic ideals.”

Dr. Mitchell referenced Government’s focus on a collaborative approach to governance  and the social compact established with various stakeholders including the private sector  and civil society.

He said, “Grenada promotes the tenets of good governance, accountability, and  transparency, the rule of law and its enforcement, consensus-building, equity and  inclusiveness. We recognise the rights of every citizen and resident and we uphold the  provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other core human rights  instruments.”

As part of the country intervention, world leaders were asked to identify three goals that  will be actioned within the coming year, dubbed the ‘Year of Action’.

The goals identified by Grenada’s Prime Minister are, “Facilitating greater exposure of  young people to parliamentary procedures through the Youth Parliament. Enhancing anti corruption measures through widespread application of a National Gift Registry.  Implementing a gender responsive approach to budgeting and a Gender Equality Policy  and Action Plan.”

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