Statement From The Ministry Of Health

With the increase in social activities during the festive season, the Ministry of Health has recorded an expected increase in the number of  people testing positive for COVID-19.

The Ministry has identified several factors that can account for this including increases  in social gatherings, non-adherence to protocols, and a rise in travel to and from  Grenada.

All countries around the world are experiencing similar conditions and as such, Grenada  is not likely to be any different.

In its continued efforts to safeguard the population, the Ministry of Health has taken all  the necessary measures to prevent a repeat of the detrimental effects of the surge  which occurred from August to October.

The measures have included strengthening of surveillance at ports of entry,  improvements in the country’s health systems, and continuous access to, and  availability of COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, Grenada now has the largest selection and  number of available vaccines per capita than ever before.

The Ministry’s strategy has also included increased testing, and health officials continue  to encourage everyone to get tested if he/she has been exposed to, or is experiencing  symptoms of COVID-19. Testing is available on weekdays at all health centers and on  weekends at various vaccine/ testing clinics throughout the island.

Dr. Myanna Charles, Senior Medical Officer in the Ministry of Health says “We do not  want to revisit our past experiences, but this largely depends on each individual’s  behaviour, adhering to protocols that are intended to protect ourselves and by extension  our community and our country.”

She added “We also do not want to revisit the days of curfew, lockdowns, and other  stringent measures, so we are asking the general public to be mindful of COVID-19  during their everyday activities. The end of the year is usually filled with many social  events as persons gather to ring in the New Year. We appeal to everyone to act  responsibly.”

The Ministry of Health has issued a reminder of the recommended protocols:

∙ Wear a mask properly while in public.

∙ Avoid unnecessary social gatherings. Please be mindful that events that are held  indoors carry a greater risk of transmission of COVID-19

∙ Maintain social distancing

∙ Sanitise or wash hands regularly

∙ Get tested if you are exposed or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 ∙ Stay at home and quarantine if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19

Get vaccinated. If you already received your primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine,  then get boosted


About adminrfm 3036 Articles
We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.