St Peter’s RC School Healthy Eating Programme Supported By Local Bank

The St Peter’s RC School continues its journey towards realising its goal of providing healthy and nutritious meals and snacks for its 292 young students, ranging from 3 to16 years old.

The school, which currently provides over 200 hot meals per day under the School Feeding Programme, was the recipient of building materials for its soon to be erected tuck shop, and a new freezer, for the healthy snacks it will provide in support of the school’s ethos of healthy eating.

Having taken their part in the pilot programme “Reversing Childhood Obesity” St Peter’s has continued to impose its own mandate of teaching children at these most impressionable ages, the lifelong advantages of healthy eating lifestyles. The age old ‘less than healthy snacks’ commonly found in school playgrounds in years gone by are not to be found on their school premises. “Fruit Day Wednesday” each week, when these are the only snacks to be found, re-emphasises the healthy mantra in the minds of the children.

The student body of St Peters RC School, Gouyave

On receiving the donated goods, School Principal, Ian George said; “this is a great step forward for the school, which we would not be realizing so quickly without the assistance of the bank. As we will oversee our own tuck shop, this will allow us to really fulfill our promise to ensure that nutritious and healthy foods will be available as snacks, instilling in our student’s healthy habits, which we hope will last for a lifetime. They can never be too young for that process to begin. We are really extremely grateful to the bank for their generosity and support in our endeavours”.

School Principal Ian George and Billy De Roche CIBC FirstCaribbean

Billy De Roche, Retail Banking Manager CIBC FirstCaribbean, said: “Aiding and investing in the future of our nation, our little ones, is always a worthwhile cause. We were particularly impressed with the clear focus of the school faculty, in terms of their holistic approach to the children’s education, inclusive of what they feed both their minds and bodies. I can truthfully say that the visit to this school, with the enthusiasm of its principal, the receptive attitude of the children to his lead, and the healthy practices already in place has been really inspiring and refreshing. We are very happy to have been able to give them some assistance, especially to get their tuck shop up and running.”

The donation which took place during a full assembly of the student body, also included door locks and printer inks, with a total value of over $10,000.

CIBC FirstCaribbean

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