Prime Minister Dr. Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell To Brief CARICOM Heads On Impending Reduction In Roaming Rates

St. George: Grenada’s Prime Minister Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell is leading this country’s delegation to the 33rd Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Dr. Mitchell is accompanied by Grenada’s Ambassador to CARICOM, His Excellency Arley Gill and Press Secretary, Philomena Robertson.
The meeting begins Tuesday at 11:00 a.m., with an opening session which will be addressed by Secretary-General Dr. Carla Barnett; outgoing Chairman Prime Minister Mr. Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda; and the Chairman, Prime Minister John Antonio Briceño of Belize.
Dr. Mitchell is expected to brief his colleague Heads on the impending reduction in roaming rates, following the signing of the Declaration of St. George’s with representatives of Digicel and Cable and Wireless Communications last week. Other agenda items include the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the region and follow up action from COP26. The meeting will also receive a report from the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy.
The two-day inter-sessional meeting will be followed by the Fourth CARICOM-SICA Summit. CARICOM Heads of Government will deliberate on several major issues, including the Region’s post-pandemic economic recovery. The situation in Member State Haiti, including the current political impasse and security and socio-economic challenges, will also be examined.
Heads will also discuss the regional security situation including any new challenges from the period of the pandemic.
The Meeting is expected to advance the CARICOM Agri-Food systems agenda, with recommendations for regional food and nutrition security. The Heads are also expected to engage representatives of the Private Sector, Labour and Civil Society.
Climate Change, an existential threat to Caribbean Small Island and low-lying States is also before the Meeting, which will assess the outcomes of COP26 – the last global Climate Change conference in Glasgow, and begin to outline the Region’s plan of work for COP27.
Honourable Gregory Bowen will serve as Acting Prime Minister in Dr. Mitchell’s absence.
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