The DPP Made The Right Decision

The Anderson Peters versus the Habour Master despicable carnival brawl on the party boat a few of weeks ago was a package of negatives not good for society. Yet this unsavoury media soap opera continues, staring lawyers, fueling a public debate, that does not serve the greater good.

The Habour Master Crew pleaded guilty to the charges of causing harm and grievous harm to Anderson Peters, the world javelin champion, and it was the correct thing to do. It communicated their regrets and the end of a chapter of their cruelty.

Regretable, the issue is given new life! The lawyers back in the media spoke about a new video recording that will show who initiated the brawl, promising to file private criminal charges against Peters and his brother.

It is the right of the respective legal parties to determine how they wish to defend their client. However, the consequence of continuing a media frenzy regarding who is right and who is wrong, fuelling a fire of emotions, and burning up the goodwill among people isn’t good for society.

In neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago where the Harbour Master boat and crew are from, residents on social media argue their case based on media sound bites from lawyers and others, assuming unfairness and injustice. Grenadians were equally partisan calling for harsher penalties for members of the crew.

Freedom of speech and democracy allows for all to express themselves but we must be responsible. Unfortunately, that’s not the case! We seem to be sowing seeds of disharmony. Therefore the decision by the Director of Public Prosecution, Christopher Nelson, to quash a private criminal matter against Anderson Peters is for the greater good.

According to a quote from Nelson, “this means that I will immediately file for a discontinuation of the proceedings. I will bring this to an end without prosecution”. He noted that a private criminal proceeding is a rare approach to seeking criminal justice but is available for citizens to use.

Cajeton Hood, the attorney for the Habour Master Crew was in the media announcing plans to file private charges against Peters and his brother. His tone of voice was emotional and passionate about pursuing his case.

Whatever preceded the brawl is unknown to those of us who were not on the party boat. The only view the public got was the video that went viral, in which several big powerful and high-energy men mercilessly brutalized a helpless Anderson Peters.

Being judgemental of the issue, the new video being talked about I strongly doubt it was dehumanizing as the cruelty shown in the one that is available on FaceBook.

Lawyers are paid to defend their clients, no matter the issue. It’s part of their professional responsibility. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. However, society is what we make of it. Often citizens concede on issues for the greater good of their community. I do not see the merit in prolonging the unfortunate Anderson Peters/Habour Master’s shameful brawl. The DPP made the right decision to quash the case.

Nothing good can come out of the incident, The only beneficiaries are the legal representatives. They get an opportunity to become media stars in such a high-profile court case involving a two-time world javelin champion. International media coverage is certain and an opportunity for lawyers to make plenty of money, but it could be at the expense of harmony and goodwill between the people of Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.