
Grand Bras And Grand Bacolet Estates Targeted For Increased Crop Production And Farm Access Improvements Under The OECS Integrated Landscape Management Project

ST. GEORGE’S GRENADA– Five hundred thousand Euros have been allocated to Grenada for the implementation of an OECS Integrated Landscape Management Project that would be geared at strengthening Grenada’s resilience and adaptive capacity to the […]


SMC Carnival Practitioners To Tobago’s Carnival Return

St. George’s, Grenada – Wednesday 2nd November 2022. Spicemas Corporation (SMC) 12 -member delegation which left the island on October 28th for Tobago’s inaugural Carnival, returned on Tuesday November 1st after successfully showcasing aspects of […]

Local Sports

Ministry Of Sports Prepares For Placement Of Physical Education Teachers In Carriacou And Petite Martinique

Hillsborough, Carriacou, A two-day sports training session, covering theory and practice, has been completed for persons who will be assigned to primary schools as physical education teachers in Carriacou and Petite Martinique. The session was […]


Five Acre Plot At Grand Bras Estate Earmarked As Cocoa Demonstration Site As Government Encourages Cocoa Production

ST. GEORGE’S GRENADA– As the Ministry of Agriculture & Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives continues to encourage increased production of traditional crops, it has identified one plot at Government’s Estate in Grand Bras, as a demonstration […]