Grenada’s Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for the Constituency of St. David, the Hon. Dickon Mitchell, donated ten (10) new wheelchairs to the St. David’s Health District on Wednesday.
The much-needed durable medical equipment was presented to Health, Wellness, and Religious Affairs Minister, Sen. the Hon. Jonathan LaCrette, by Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives Minister, Sen. the Hon Adrian Thomas, who represented Prime Minister Mitchell on February 22, 2023, at the ribbon cutting ceremony that marked the reopening of the Westerhall Medical Station.
The St. David Health District comprises the St. David’s Health Center at Bellevue, and the Perdmontemps, Crochu, Westerhall, and Vincennes Medical Stations. All five government operated health services facilities will be outfitted with 2 wheelchairs each, to aid in the daily operations, specifically with respect to patient access to services.
Minister LaCrette, who graciously accepted the wheelchairs, then invited Nurse Phebe Antoine, the District Nurse in charge of the St. David Health District to receive the chairs from him and ensure that they’re put into proper use.
The kind gesture from the Grenadian leader was applauded by residents and those in attendance at the ceremonial reopening of the Westerhall Medical Station.