Water Security A Challenge For Caribbean Region

Faucet close-up with running water.

Prime Minister of Grenada Dickon Mitchell says all stakeholders must work together to address the water challenges facing the Caribbean region brought about by climate change and extreme events.

Mitchell delivered the keynote address virtually at the Opening Ceremony of the Caribbean Science Symposium on Water which began today under the theme, “Conservation and Innovation: Changing the Regional Water Paradigm.”

The prime minister says as a region, and as it relates to the impacts of climate change, the reliability of water supplies is becoming an increasing issue.

Mitchell states: “Water security continues to be challenged by the increasing severity of extreme events such as droughts, hurricanes, and sea level rises. Sanitation too is an area of concern as much of our wastewater goes untreated into the environment.”

He notes that according to UN Water 2018, as a region, the average scope for Sustainable Development Goal 6 (5.1) – The implementation of an integrated water resource management is 34 out of 100.

Mitchell says the Caribbean is unlikely to meet the global target unless progress significantly accelerates.

He says it is clear the region must do better to build social, economic, and environmental resilience and sustainability in our societies.

With this year’s symposium being held under the theme, “Conservation and Innovation: Changing the Regional Water Paradigm,” the Prime Minister of Grenada says conservation and innovation working hand in hand, will be pivotal in achieving sustainable water security for the region’s economy, people and the environment.

He notes a new regional water paradigm also holds enormous potential for innovation, entrepreneurship and job creation in areas of water harvesting and treatment, water smart infrastructure and the creation of new markets for sustainable water products and services amongst others

Mitchell says understanding the challenges of sustainability, climate change and the practicalities of how to respond is not only the responsibility of governments, but everyone’s responsibility.

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