New Permanent Representative Of Grenada To The United Nations, Presents Credentials To Secretary-General António Guterres

The new Ambassador and Permanent  Representative of Grenada to the United Nations, His  Excellency, Mr. Ché A. Phillip, presented his credentials to the United Nations Secretary-General  António Guterres.

Ambassador Phillip brought warm greetings from Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell and Dame Cécile La Grenade, Governor General of Grenada.

During the bilateral meeting with Secretary-General  Guterres, Ambassador Phillip reiterated Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell’s Administration Transformational thrust and Grenada’s commitment to the spirit of multilateralism.

Ambassador Phillip further reiterated the determination of Grenada to remain one who continues to ‘punch above its weight” at the United Nations.

Secretary-General António Guterres and Ambassador Phillip also agreed to strengthen cooperation  between the Secretary-General’s office and Grenada.

Grenada through its Permanent Representative to the United Nation, Ambassador Ché A. Phillip, is charged with charting new ways towards achievement of the Government’s transformative  agenda – through boldness and confidence.

Prior to his appointment, Ambassador Phillip served in the Policy and Research Division of the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Export Development as a Foreign Service Officer with  responsibility for Treaties and Conventions, CARICOM and OECS Affairs.

A career Foreign Service Officer, he joined the Foreign Ministry in 2009 and has during his tenure  served as the technical officer in such areas as the United Nations, ACS, CELAC, the Organization  of Eastern Caribbean States and served as representative on several of its technical working groups.

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