Government To Commence Land Regularisation

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Fisheries and Co-operatives announces the commencement of its Land Tenure regularisation programme.

It is the aim of the Government via this programme to provide land titles (deeds of ownership) to citizens who have been continuously occupying Government (Crown) lands for residential purposes for more than 10 years; and those who have been granted crown lands and who may have paid or are currently paying for such lands over a period of years without being granted a pathway to ownership.

Therefore, residents of River Road in St George’s and Bardia in St David who currently occupy Crown Lands are given important notice that representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives will be paying these areas a visit to acquire the information essential for successful initiation of the regularisation programme.

As a result, the ministry seeks the complete cooperation of Crown Land occupiers in submitting the relevant information to ministry authorities. After gathering the necessary information, a surveyor would survey the lots in order to draft the conveyances.

The ministry will notify residents in other areas once work is completed in River Road and Bardia.

Ministry of Agriculture and Land, Fisheries and Cooperatives…ensuring food and nutrition security.