2023 Agricultural Census Launches With A Vision To Improve Grenada’s Farming Sector

Friday, November 03, 2023 marked the official launch of the sixth Agriculture Census by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands,  Fisheries and Cooperatives, to unveil the foundation of Grenada’s Farming Sector.

Previous censuses were conducted in 1961, 1975, 1981, 1995 and 2012.

The census, conducted in collaboration with the Central Statistical Office, seeks to gather vital  data that will play a central role in shaping the future of agriculture in the nation. The  information collected will not only reveal the true contribution of agriculture to Grenada’s  economy, but also its importance as a significant employer within the country.

Minister of State with responsibility for Agriculture and Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives,  Sen. The Hon. Adrian Thomas emphasised the significance of the agriculture census,  highlighting that “data is the key to informed decision-making.” He stressed that without  comprehensive data, effective planning, policy development, and resource allocation would be  near impossible.

Census Coordinator, Laverne Mapp, outlined the objectives and benefits of this initiative,  illustrating the far-reaching implications of the census:

  • Structural Insights: The census will unveil the structure of the agriculture sector,  including the number and size of farms, land tenure trends, and the utilisation of  agricultural land. It will also examine shifts in livestock farming and land use practices.
  • Empowering Ministries: The data will empower various government departments, such  as land use, extension services, and agronomy to conduct regular surveys and develop  targeted programmes that address the needs of farmers.
  • Statistical Support: The Ministry of Agriculture aims to enhance its contribution to the  national statistical system by providing timely and accurate data.
  • Comparative Analysis: By utilising similar questions as the 2012 census, this initiative  will enable the comparison of data over time, offering valuable insights into the sector’s  evolution.
  • International Obligations: The collected information will assist Grenada in fulfilling  international commitments, including those under the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

The 2023 Agricultural Census covers a comprehensive range of information, including crop  and livestock data, land use and tenure, agricultural employment, gender-specific  contributions, agrochemical usage, machinery, and marketing strategies.

The census operation, coordinated by the Ministry, is an extensive effort involving over 200  dedicated individuals, inclusive of seven area coordinators, 30 supervisors and 162  enumerators. It utilises cutting-edge technology, with enumerators equipped with tablets and  guided by predefined criteria. These enumerators will be visiting various locations, determining  the presence of agricultural activities, and ensuring that all entities adhering to specific criteria  are accurately accounted for.

The Ministry appeals to the public, particularly farmers and institutions engaged in agricultural  activities, to cooperate fully with enumerators. Honesty in responding to census questions is  crucial, as inaccurate information can lead to misguided interventions and programmes that  may not truly reflect the sector’s needs.

The Grenada Agricultural Census is set to conclude by February 28th, 2024, promising to  provide valuable insights and set the stage for a more prosperous and informed future for the  country’s agriculture sector.

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