Insecurities and Everyday Life.

~We all have our individual lives, and with it comes challenges deriving from varying areas of our everyday living. It is normal for these issues to sometimes seem overwhelming and almost invoke a feeling of impending doom. They can sometimes become dangerous when we allow to them to take control of every aspect of our lives without a healthy outlet. Like insecurities for example when coupled with feelings of anxiety and other negative self depreciating emotions it can become bigger than us. Although, what if you don’t know what your insecurities are? What are insecurities to begin with?

Insecurities or to be insecure simply put means to have feelings of uncertainty, a lack of confidence or anxiety about yourself.

How do we identify insecurities in ourselves and others we care about?

  • Low or Superficial self esteem.
  • They are constantly worried about what others think of them.
  • Experiencing a sense of inadequacy and signs of anxiety.
  • indecisiveness or never being able to express a firm opinion.
  • Inability to appear confident or hold eye contact for extended periods of time.
  • You are unnecessarily defensive.

Here are a few types of insecurities:

  • Relationship Insecurities.
  • Job Insecurity.
  • Body Image insecurity.
  • Social insecurity/ Anxiety.

We’ve identified what insecurities look like and listed a few types, so now how do we deal with them?

In one of our previous live videos on Mental Health Tuesday, we brought attention to this exact topic where we discussed and involved members of the public as per usual, to call in and give their personal encounters with similar issues.


Today we notice how a lot of our insecurities are brought to the forefront of our lives with social media and other forms of unsecure and unfiltered information platforms. We are constantly bombarded with facing insecurities without healthily dealing with them through proper mediums. This, in turn can adduce a multitude of other negative mental complications. Find a healthy way to vent, a trusted friend or maybe you’re confident enough to call in and have a live discussion with us.

The link below leads directly to our live discussion from 2 weeks ago. Tune in on our YouTube or Facebook every Tuesday at 7am to 10am to discuss the psychological challenges of real life on Real 91.9 FM.

~Aingel A.