What do we think the results of an unexamined life are? Here are some examples of what this may look like:
- Not being able to understand you or others.
- Having communication barriers.
- lower eq than others who practice introspection.
“An unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates We’re once again taking a look at one of or previous topics on Mental Health Tuesday.
The topic? you guessed it introspection/self-examination.
Introspection can be defied as the action of looking inward the process involves the examination of your thoughts judgments emotions and perceptions.
In psychology, introspection refers to the informal process of exploring one’s own mental and emotional states. Although, historically, the term also applies to a more formalized process that was once used as an experimental technique. Learn more about uses for introspection, a few examples, and how to be more introspective.
Here are 5 introspective methods you can use:
- Self-monitoring.
- Using positive words and phrases.
- Focus on good.
- Ask yourself empowering questions.
What life do you have what’s the purpose of it? Questions like these can be answered by simply looking at your life, examining your wants and needs and allocating resources to reach your goal/s.
Examination of your life and introspection can put you at a position where you take a break and possibly question what you are doing and what your actions are contributing to your goals.
Once you know where you are and where you want to be, being self-aware enough helps you want to better the quality of your life.
Here’s a link for our video discussion on YouTube. https://youtu.be/7JS6SZ3BVZk?t=3976