What is Love?
According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary Love can simply be defined as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Here’s another definition from them, affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests.
The eight different types of love, according to the ancient Greeks, are:
- Eros (sexual passion)
- Philia (deep friendship)
- Ludus (playful love)
- Agape (love for everyone)
- Pragma (longstanding love)
- Philautia (love of the self)
- Storge (family love)
- Mania (obsessive love)
- How does love affect our mental health?
There are many thoughts and notions when it comes to love and the feelings it evokes. Most things in this world has pros and cons but when speaking on love and its physiological and psychological effects its mostly seen positively.
- Here are some positive effects of love:
It goes without saying love makes you happy
The initial happy feelings of being in love is stimulated by 3 chemicals; noradrenalin, phenylethylamine and dopamine.
- Being in love promotes self worth
The self worth of someone should never be determined by another individual, However love does help increase your self esteem. When you know and feel that you are consistently appreciated by someone.
- Love eases stress and anxiety
The secure feeling of having someone who is attached to you lowers cortisol levels which is the stress hormone according to Webmd. Loneliness stimulates anxiety, and well when you’re in love you’re significantly less lonely.
During one of our previous episodes on mental health Tuesdays we tackled the topic of love using a real life story from a couple that stood together for better or worse. It was all about love, as you’ve learned more in our mental health information corner. lets see what your interpretation of that story would be. Click the link below.