Personal Hygiene and Mental Health.

Are personal hygiene and mental health connected?

Personal hygiene is a subject that is often not discussed on a daily basis. Typically, hygiene is overlooked as we often assume everyone does things in similar ways or have similar levels of frequency. However, hygiene can often be the first sign of the start of mental health issues.

Bathing regularly, having positive dental hygiene, and changing and washing clothes are some examples of patterns to watch for. And remember that the general guidelines around frequency, products, and hygiene methods can vary by religious and cultural beliefs.

If you’re unsure of the frequency with which to engage in a hygiene habit, reach out to a medical provider, dental provider, mental health provider, or someone you trust within your culture for advice and guidance.

As usual one of our previous topics on mental health Tuesdays was personal hygiene and how it affects and those around us. Learn more and be entertained from the link below.