Grenada Citizenship By Investment Unit Reinforces Commitment To Youth Development As Platinum Sponsor Of 2024 CARIFTA Games

The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Unit (CBI) proudly announces its role as platinum sponsor of the highly anticipated 2024 CARIFTA Games,  showcasing its dedication to fostering youth development in the region. In a symbolic gesture of  support, the CBI officially handed over a generous cheque amounting to $75,000 to the Grenada  Athletic Association during a ceremony held on Wednesday, January 17th, 2024, at the Grenada  Olympic House.

The cheque presentation ceremony was attended by key stakeholders, including representatives  from the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Unit and the Grenada Athletic Association. The event  took place at the Grenada Olympic House, a symbolic venue reflecting the unity and shared  aspirations of Grenada’s athletic endeavors.

As expressed by Ms. Rea Burke, Marketing and Communications Officer of the Unit, the Grenada  Citizenship by Investment Unit is thrilled to be part of the CARIFTA Games and its overarching  mission. She stated, “to the Unit, this is more than just a sponsorship; it reaffirms our commitment  to transforming the lives of the youth in the region and supporting the advancement of the nation’s  sporting prowess. The Games represent an opportunity for us to promote a culture of excellence,  perseverance, and determination.”

The Games have produced World and Olympic champions including our very own Kirani James,  Alleyne Francique, Anderson Peters, and Lindon Victor, Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Price  of Jamaica, Kim Collins of St. Kitts & Nevis, and many others. Therefore, by aligning itself with  the CARIFTA Games, a premier regional athletic event, the Unit aims to create a lasting impact  on the lives of young athletes.

The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Unit encourages all citizens and stakeholders to join hands  in supporting the CARIFTA Games and promoting the holistic development of regional youth.

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