SGU Physician Humanitarian Network Brings Life-Changing Eye Care to Grenadians

Grenadians received critical eye care  services recently through the St. George’s University (SGU) Physician  Humanitarian Network (PHuN) ophthalmology clinic—the first specialized  eye clinic since before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Former SGU student Dr. Bernard Spier headed the ophthalmology clinic in  Grenada, along with two ophthalmologists, Dr. Elliot Crane and Dr. Zachary  Mendelson, and two assistants, Ms. Karen Rodriguez and Ms. Carrie Rivera.  The clinic took place from February 19 to March 1, 2024.

The team completed 139 examinations and consultations for those suffering  from eye-related ailments such as cataracts and glaucoma. Additionally, the  team did more than 40 procedures including small-incision cataract  surgeries, corneal transplants, YAG laser procedures, and Avastin injections  that restored and improved sight for many Grenadians. The team completed  these procedures with $117,656 USD worth of donated medical supplies,  surgical equipment, corneal tissue, and more, organized by Dr. Spier.

Dr. Spier, an ophthalmologist with a practice in South Orange, NJ,  participated in his first PHuN ophthalmology clinic in 2006. This past trip  marks his 13th trip to Grenada to serve the local community through PHuN.  According to Dr. Spier, he chose to donate his time and skills to the  Grenadian people because it is “a basic act of human kindness.”

“For me, it’s the idea of improving a person’s life with these procedures,” Dr.  Spier said. “Simply, it feels good to do that.”

The SGU PHuN Program has a history of making an impact on the lives of  Grenadians in other specialties such as cardiologyvascular surgery,  and obstetrics/gynecology.

“The SGU PHuN program is extremely beneficial to the Grenadian  community because it provides valuable support in the form of medical

services to the people of the island as well as donations of medical supplies to  the ophthalmology clinic,” said Dr. Brendon La Grenade, vice provost of St.  George’s University. “It also provides an outlet for a variety of SGU doctors of  various disciplines to give back to the island where they got both their  education and medical career starts.”

For Dr. Spier, the chance to give back to the people of Grenada is deeply  meaningful.

“I have a special place in my heart for Grenada because that’s where I got my  start in medicine,” said Dr. Spier. “Grenada gave me an opportunity to  become a doctor. If I hadn’t gone to Grenada, I would’ve done something else  [besides medicine].”

Dr. Spier encourages other former students and alumni of SGU to consider  participating in the SGU PHuN program, naming it as a profoundly rewarding  experience.

“If you want to help the people of Grenada and want to go back to Grenada  you should do it,” Dr. Spier said.

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