Grenada Implements Water Usage Restrictions Amid Dry Season

As the dry season intensifies in 2024, Grenada finds itself grappling with significant water scarcity issues, prompting the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) to enforce strict water usage restrictions.

Starting Sunday, May 12, these measures aim to reduce water wastage and promote conservation efforts across the island.

Implementing critical water conservation measures

NAWASA’s newly announced restrictions will affect a wide range of activities. These include limitations on the use of water for irrigation, as well as watering gardens, lawns, and other grounds.

The restrictions extend to prohibitions on washing roadways, pavements, paths, garages, out-rooms, and vehicles using hoses.

Moreover, filling swimming pools and ponds, along with other activities that require substantial water volumes, will be strictly regulated.

This comprehensive approach seeks to curb any non-essential water use during this challenging period.

Ensuring compliance and awareness

To ensure that these restrictions are widely adhered to, they will be formally gazetted and communicated through various channels.

This widespread dissemination aims to make every resident aware of the restrictions and the critical need for compliance.

Residents are encouraged to actively engage in water conservation practices and ensure that their water storage facilities are well-equipped to collect and store water.

This proactive participation is essential for mitigating the effects of the ongoing drought and ensuring the availability of water resources.

NAWASA reminds the public of its legal authority to regulate water use during times of scarcity, as outlined in the Water Services Regulations SRO 41 of 1993, sub-section 9 (1).

This regulation empowers NAWASA to implement necessary measures during drought conditions or other events that lead to reduced water availability.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.