Post-Beryl: Grenada Announces Income Support For Farmers

Close-up of woman's hand sowing seed in soil.

The Government of Grenada will pump EC$11.6 million in relief funds to farmers involved in vegetable and livestock, poultry, seamoss, beekeeping, and fisherfolk as part of the Hurricane Beryl Relief Drive.

The announcement was made by Minister for Economic Development and Planning, and Cooperatives, Agriculture and Lands Fisheries and Marine Resources Lennox Andrews on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

The relief package will be effective for three months as of August 19, 2024.

Image via Ministry of Agriculture


The Minister announced the following:

  • Registered farmers with less than five acres of land will receive a one-off payment of $4,500.

  • Registered farmers with more than five acres of land will receive a one-off payment of $9,000.

  • All other farmers who are not registered but have been assessed to have been damaged are eligible to receive the same amount in accordance with the size of their plots.

The government has budgeted a total of $6 million in this regard and is targeting a total of 960 farmers.

Meanwhile, 30 managers of nursery plant owners will receive a one-off payment of $4,500, which brings this to a budgeted total of $135,000.

In total, the overall allocation for the cash crop farmers and the nursery plant managers is $6.1 million dollars.

A total of $5.5 million has been allocated for livestock farmers, seamoss farmers and fishers.

Minister Andrews noted a damage and needs assessment conducted by its Extension and Agronomy Division, revealed that over 85 per cent of agricultural sector in the parishes of St John, St Mark, St Patrick, St Andrew and Carriacou have been destroyed and have affected the livelihoods of over 80 per cent of farmers.

The Minister of Agriculture said the funds are not a compensation package for all losses, but a case of providing farmers with some assistance as they work towards rebuilding from the damage which occurred during Beryl.

The package is for farmers and fisherfolk in Grenada.

A separate package will be announced for the redevelopment of Carriacou.

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