USAID Supports Specialized Project Management Training For Government Officers In Grenada Through Y-RIE Program

The United States Agency for International  Development (USAID) has partnered with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS), and the University  of the West Indies Center for Criminal Justice and Security (UWI CCJS) to provide specialized project  management training for government officers.

Twenty-one social service providers from the various government ministries celebrated the successful  completion of the eight-week virtual training course in project management, on August 29. The training,  facilitated with support from USAID’s Youth Resilience, Inclusion, and Empowerment (Y-RIE) Program,  was designed to strengthen the capacity of public sector professionals to manage and implement  development projects effectively.

The specialized curriculum focused on addressing the challenges which social service providers face in  their roles, and provided practical solutions, particularly those aimed at empowering Grenada’s youth. As  part of their continued professional development, graduates will engage in a practicum component that  involves community outreach in Y-RIE’s focus communities. This practical experience will emphasize  promoting positive masculinity and providing psychological first aid to mitigate risk factors affecting youth  and preventing youth and community violence.

At the closing ceremony, held at Prickly Bay Marina, Lyndonna Hillaire-Marshall, Acting Cabinet  Secretary and Permanent Secretary responsible for Public Administration in the Prime Minister’s Office,  highlighted the importance of the graduates applying their newfound skills to the betterment of Grenadian  youth. The PS urged graduates to apply their newfound skills to the projects they develop and the work  they do, always mindful of the essence of their efforts, the rewards—often intrinsic—and their impact on  the lives of the youth and communities they serve. MOYS Permanent Secretary, Odessa Amada-Sylvester  expressed her pleasure at the Ministry’s partnership with the USAID Y-RIE Program for this important  training course. She urged staff who benefited to use their skills in developing projects and programs that  help the Ministry with its mandate to help the youth of Grenada live positive lives.

Johnny Calliste, USAID Y-RIE Program Manager, shared that capacity-building of youth-serving  stakeholders is a key aspect of Y-RIE’s strategic objective to “strengthen government-provided social  services.”

Professor Corin Bailey, Director of UWI CCJS, emphasized the pivotal role these newly trained  professionals will play in shaping Grenada’s future in his virtual congratulatory message.

MOYS Project Officer, Natasha Simon-Charles, speaking on behalf of the training participants expressed  gratitude on behalf of her fellow participants. She reflected on the transformative effect of the training  emphasizing that they will use their new skills to design effective activities to help the at-risk youth in  Grenada.

USAID Y-RIE was formally launched in Grenada in March 2023. Y-RIE is working with government and  non-government partners to strengthen social services that serve youth and their families, improve learning  outcomes for youth, improve youth preparedness for the world-of-work, and strengthen the resilience of  families and communities.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.

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