Hon. Kerryne Zennelle James, Minister For Climate Resilience, The Environment And Renewable Energy Appointed President Of The Bureau For The 36th Meeting Of The Parties To The Montreal Protocol

31 OCTOBER 2024 Workshop on Life-cycle Refrigerant Management (LRM) Combined thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties and Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties Bangkok, Thailand CREDIT: NATALIA MROZ/ IISD

 The Honorable Kerryne Zennelle James, Grenada’s Minister for Climate  Resilience, the Environment, and Renewable Energy, was elected by the Parties to the  Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer as the President of the  Bureau for the 36th Meeting of the Parties (MOP), held in Bangkok, Thailand, from October  28 to November 1, 2024. This prestigious position is a testament to Minister James’ expertise  and Grenada’s commitment to environmental stewardship on the global stage.

As President of the Bureau, Minister James played a pivotal role in facilitating the critical  deliberations and decisions of the Montreal Protocol, and guided efforts to protect and  restore the ozone layer through policies on phasing out ozone-depleting substances and  advancing energy-efficient, low-global-warming-potential alternatives. She was also responsible for leading meetings, coordinating with the Protocol’s technical and scientific  bodies, and fostering consensus among the Protocol’s 198 member states to address  evolving challenges related to climate change and ozone depletion.

Minister James’s appointment is historic as it marks a significant milestone for both youth  and female representation in global environmental leadership. Her perspective as a young  female leader from the Caribbean brings a fresh, inclusive vision to the Protocol’s  governance. Her leadership symbolised the critical role young leaders and women play in  fostering sustainable and resilient environmental efforts.

Minister James’s presidency also presented a unique opportunity for Grenada. With this new platform, she was in good position to highlight the country’s achievements in  implementing Montreal Protocol initiatives, including but not limited to:

– The establishment of the Caribbean’s first recovery, recycling and reclamation  center at the Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority’s Queens Park Facility.

– Capacity development and training for more than two hundred (200) Refrigeration  and Air conditioning technicians (RAC) technicians.

– T. A. Marryshow Community College Scholarship programme for twenty-four (24)  RAC Students.

The Minister’s leadership will also inspire countries worldwide to embrace a  transformative approach to sustainable development, climate resilience, and ozone  protection. Her tenure as President of the Bureau promises a dynamic period for the  Protocol as the global community navigates environmental challenges with a renewed  spirit of inclusivity and progress in the implementation of the Kigali Amendment for the  phase down of climate warming gases.

Under the leadership of Hon. Kerryne James, the Montreal Protocol gained a President  deeply committed to fostering global cooperation and advancing ambitious environmental  protections. Her appointment is a powerful reminder of the importance of diverse voices in  global climate governance.

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