Grenada Advances Renewable Energy With Landmark Wave Energy MOU Signing At COP29

The Government of Grenada has signed a pivotal  Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a wave energy pilot project in collaboration  with Seabased Ltd. and SIDS DOCK. This initiative underscores Grenada’s commitment to  diversifying its energy portfolio and enhancing climate resilience through innovative renewable  energy solutions. The signing ceremony, which took place during COP29, marks a significant  milestone in Grenada’s journey toward sustainable energy independence.

Leadership in Renewable Energy 

Since she was appointed Minister for Climate Resilience, the Environment, and Renewable Energy  in 2022, Hon. Kerryne Z. James has been instrumental in championing a diversified energy  strategy for Grenada. Her leadership has been pivotal in integrating various renewable energy  sources, including solar, geothermal, and wave energy, into the nation’s energy framework.

Minister James stated, “Embracing a mixed energy portfolio is essential for Grenada’s sustainable  development. By harnessing the power of our oceans through wave energy, we are taking a bold  step toward reducing our carbon footprint and building a resilient energy future.”

Strategic Partnerships 

Seabased Ltd., a leader in wave energy technology, brings extensive experience to this partnership.  The company has previously collaborated with nations such as Barbados and Bermuda to develop  wave power projects aimed at fueling green hydrogen production and enhancing energy security. SIDS DOCK, representing Small Island Developing States, plays a crucial role in facilitating  sustainable energy projects that address the unique challenges faced by island nations. Their  involvement ensures this initiative aligns with broader regional efforts to combat climate change  and promote renewable energy adoption.

A Vision for the Future 

Ambassador Jerry Enoe, Special Envoy for Oceans for the Government of Grenada, expressed his  dedication to this project, stating, “We have been pursuing this project for over a year. Reaching  the stage of the MoU signing is both gratifying and a testament to our commitment to harnessing

ocean-based renewable energy as a key driver of climate resilience and emission reduction. By  pioneering wave energy technology, Grenada and our partners are making bold strides toward a  sustainable, low-carbon future for island nations.”

Global Context 

Grenada joins a growing list of countries investing in wave energy technology. For instance, Eco  Wave Power has signed agreements to develop wave energy projects in Taiwan, aiming to establish  the nation’s first onshore wave energy power station. Similarly, Bermuda has partnered with  Seabased Ltd. to develop a 40 MW wave energy power park, projected to supply approximately  10% of the island’s energy needs.

About Seabased Ltd. 

Seabased Ltd. is a global leader in wave energy technology, specialising in developing wave power  parks. The company’s proprietary technology generates stable and predictable power, enabling grid  operators to increase the integration of renewable energy sources. Seabased has completed full scale, grid-connected, multi-generator test parks on multiple continents and is preparing to launch  commercial utility-scale wave-to-grid solutions.


SIDS DOCK is an initiative of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) designed to help Small  Island Developing States transform their energy sectors into catalysts for sustainable economic  development. It provides a platform for SIDS to collaborate on renewable energy projects, share  best practices, and access financial and technical resources.

Looking Ahead 

This MoU signifies a transformative step in Grenada’s energy landscape, reflecting a commitment  to innovation, sustainability, and resilience. The collaboration between the Government of  Grenada, Seabased Ltd., and SIDS DOCK sets a precedent for other island nations to explore and  invest in wave energy as a viable component of their renewable energy strategies.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.