Government Invests Over 4M XCD Into Grenada’s Livestock Sector

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands,  Forestry, and Marine Resources advances in rolling out Component Four of its Food Security  Enhancement Project with the importation of 466 purebred animals from the United States of  America (USA) at a cost of over four million dollars XCD. 

The purchase of the animals, namely sheep, goats, and pigs, came in via the Maurice Bishop  International Airport on Saturday, January 4, 2025. This is a part of the implementation of a  national breeding program aimed at increasing quality stock on the local market and, ultimately,  food security and sustainability. 

The initiative will offer direct support to 25 pig farmers, who will receive facility upgrades along  with 1 breeding boar, and 25 small ruminant farmers (both sheep and goats) will also receive  facility upgrades and at least 1 breeding buck or ram. 

Minister for Agriculture and Lands Forestry and Marine Resources, Hon. Lennox J. Andrews,  speaking at the official ceremony marking the historic moment for the livestock industry, described  the arrival of the animals as a moment of glory and achievement.  

“This initiative represents a pivotal moment in advancing the agricultural sector and in ensuring  the long-term sustainability of our nation’s food security,” Minister Andrew stated. 

“The importation of live animals goes beyond merely increasing our livestock production; it is an  investment in genetic diversity and overall productivity of our livestock sector,” Minister Andrew  added.  

Over three hundred thousand dollars was also invested in upgrading facilities at Laura, St. David,  Mirabeau, St. Andrew, and at a third facility at Sauteurs, St. Patrick, for housing the imported  animals. 

Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Forestry and Marine  Resources, David Hopkin, in his welcome remarks, described the moment as a strategic investment  for both the present and the future.  

“At the national level this step supports our goals on reducing dependence on imports while  ensuring a sustainable supply of high-quality protein for our population,” PS Hopkin stated.

Minister for Finance, Hon. Dennis Cornwall, whose ministry was instrumental in providing  economic support to the Food Security Enhancement Project, congratulated the Ministry of  Agriculture and Lands Forestry and Marine Resources for the extensive work in ensuring the  realisation of the initiative. 

According to the finance minister, the initiative reflects the government’s broader commitment to  responsible fiscal management, where every investment is aligned with our national development  priorities. 

“As Minister for Finance, I am particularly proud of the role my ministry has played in supporting  this transformative project, from securing and managing the 26.8M XCD from the Food Security  Enhancement Project to working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Forestry and  Marine Resources on financial planning and resource allocation”, stated minister Cornwall. 

“ Finance has been instrumental in turning this vision into a reality…” Minister Cornwall added. 

Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Mobilisation, Implementation, and Transformation, Hon.  Andy Williams described the importation of the livestock as an occasion of national significance. 

“As the Minister for Mobilisation, Implementation, and Transformation, I am entrusted with  ensuring that projects critical to our nation’s development are implemented. This year is indeed a  game changer, not just for the agriculture sector but for Grenada as a whole… And this is the sort  of transformation that we look forward to,” he remarked. 

A team of recently employed livestock officers will now care for the imported livestock stationed  at the various quarantine points. They are responsible for all aspects of caregiving, feeding, and ensuring that breeding terms and conditions are met. The animals will be quarantined for a period  of six to eight weeks before being distributed to the selected farmers. 

The historic moment was also witnessed by former Minister for Agriculture and Lands, Forestry,  and Marine Resources, Senator Adrian Thomas; Minister for Social Development and Housing,  Senator Gloria Thomas; and advisor in the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Forestry, and  Marine Resources, Mrs. Gemma Bain-Thomas, among other dignitaries.  

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