
The Minister Of Agriculture Of Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Has Issued A Food Security Alert In This Caribbean Country

San José (IICA) – The catastrophic situation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which suffered a series of volcanic eruptions this month that left the country in a state of emergency, is affecting the availability and […]


Supporting Food  Security In The Region

The devastating effects of the  La Soufriere Volcano to St. Vincent and the Grenadines  (SVGs) agricultural sector has been placed under the microscope, the concern of food security for the Southern Caribbean. In this regard, […]


Meet the Farmer-Atkinson Felix

Atkinson Felix developed a love for agriculture through his involvement in the 4-H Movement at the St. Michael’s Roman Catholic School ( St. Andrew). In his youthful days, Felix loved participating in the competitions, organized […]


Meet the Farmer- Byron Booker

As a child, Byron Booker remembered having animals to tend to after school; something he developed a love for. Many years later, Booker owns his own Goat Farm, with aspirations of scaling up his milk […]


Petite Martinique Ruminant Farmers Trained To Be Climate Resilient

Hillsborough, Carriacou- Eight (8) ruminant farmers in Petite Martinique have received hands-on training in multi-nutrient block making in an initiative organized by the Climate Smart Agriculture & Rural Enterprise Programme –SAEP. The training, which was […]