
Grenada launches Climate Resilient Agriculture Project 

The United Nations Development Programme, in collaboration with the Government of Grenada is  embarking on a project to promote climate resilience in the agriculture sector. The Climate-Resilient  Agriculture for Integrated Landscape Management project is funded […]


Agro-Processors Participate In Training On Sweet Potatoes Solar Drying 

As part of a project to support resilience-building in the  productive sectors of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through the introduction  of solar technologies, the Caribbean Agriculture Research and Development Institute (CARDI),  in collaboration […]


Ministry Commends IICA’s Donation To Farmers

As part of the Inter-American Institute for  Cooperation on Agriculture’s response to COVID-19, on Tuesday, Nov. 17, three farmers’  organizations were the latest to benefit from farm tools and fertilisers, which were presented to  Hon. […]


With Support From IICA, Caribbean Ministers Of Agriculture Bolster Regional Coordination To Strengthen Food Security And Trade

San Jose,  (IICA). The Ministers of Agriculture of the Caribbean analyzed the challenges associated with the current crisis triggered by the pandemic, shared their experiences with public policies, and discussed strategies for recovering from the […]


Pest And Disease Management In Banana Production

Efforts to resuscitate local banana production  continues, as the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Lands supports Banana Farmers and other  key players of the sector. Having successfully completed trainings in plot establishment, agronomic practices, irrigation […]