
The Power of Self Care.

What is self-care? Self-Care is the collective set of practices that you engage in to make sure that you’re happy and healthy. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as “the ability of individuals, families, […]


Silence Is Not Always Golden

By Ettie Rutherford Contributing Writer “How can you just stand there? Why don’t you say something”? We have all heard these words, which are usually spoken when someone needs support and by-standers remain silent. The […]


You Can Motivate Yourself

By Ettie Rutherford Contributing Writer As we all know, Monday mornings find a lot of us not feeling very motivated; wishing that the weekend could have been extended. However, life goes on! Let us remember […]


You Are Already Powerful; Own It!

By Ettie Rutherford Contributing Writer Here is a quick question for you: Do you believe that you are a powerful person? I hope you do; because everyone has specific kinds of power, although it might […]


It’s Okay To Cry

By Ettie Rutherford Contributing Writer And Jesus wept. These are very sobering words from the Bible, which remind us that there is no shame in crying. Late last month, I conducted a three-hour workshop, focusing […]