Governtment News

Prime Minister Mitchell Concludes Successful Mission To The Bahamas

Caribbean Heads of Government gathered in Nassau, The Bahamas, from February 15-17, 2023, for the...

Government Outlines Plans For Marketing & National Importing Board

At a Special Press Briefing held on Monday, February 13, 2023,  Prime Minister and Minister...

Grenada’s Prohibition Of Retaining Tuna And Tuna-like Species Lifted By ICCAT.

ST. GEORGE’S GRENADA – On 8th February 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Fisheries...

Government Fulfills Commitment To Train And Accredit Directors OF Statutory Bodies

As part of a government-led initiative to enhance the leadership capacity of state-owned enterprises, directors...

Grenada PM To Share Stage with International Technology Experts at Grenada ICT Week

With Internet technology playing an increasing role in every aspect of Caribbean life, the American...

New UNICEF Representative To Grenada

The new UNICEF representative to Grenada and the Eastern Caribbean Pieter Bult has presented his...

Grenada Electricity Services Ltd Advises Customers About Changes In Government Charges On Electricity.

These changes in the Environmental Levy and VAT were announced in the 2023 Budget Statement...

Government Of Grenada Celebrates Exemplary Service Of Ruth Elizabeth Rouse

The Government of Grenada congratulates Ms. Ruth Elizabeth Rouse on her retirement and celebrates her...

The Ministry Of Mobilisation, Implementation And Transformation Calls For The Immediate Removal Of Tagged Boats Along The Kirani James Boulevard (Lagoon Road)

The Ministry of Mobilisation, Implementation, and  Transformation, in accordance with section 39 of the Waste Management Act #16...