Get ready for emergencies and disasters by taking simple steps now. To be prepared, you need to know what to do, where to go and have enough supplies for a week or more. Supplies include food, water to go and have enough supplies for a week or more.
Preparing in advance can keep you safe and comfortable, and help you get back to your life and work more quickly. It also helps others because emergency responders can focus on helping those who need it more
Staying informed through radio Tv or internet is recommended. However in some cases cable, electric and cell phone service will be disabled, making communication nearly impossible. The national Safety Council recommends the following general precautions that apply to many disaster situations:
- Make sure at least one family member knows first aid and CPR.
- Have a family communication plan and or family emergency plan; all members of the family should know and practice the plan.
- Have family member’s numbers and important numbers written down or memorized.
- Have an emergency kit in your car and at home with at least three days or one week of food and water at home.
- Be sure to store all important documents-birth certificates, insurance policies, etc -are in a fire and water proof safe or safety deposit box.
- Know location of utilities and how to shut them off.